Customized Thermoforming Service

The advantages of opting for Serico’s thermoforming service revolve around its precision, expertise in managing graphic deformations, ability to create custom molds, and comprehensive, customer-oriented approach to project management.

The Benefits of Thermoforming at Serico

The benefits of choosing Serico for thermoforming underline the company’s commitment to precision, versatility and customization.

High Precision

Our thermoforming processes offer unrivalled precision and stability, and they are compatible with a wide range of plastic films.

Graphic Distortion

Thanks to our solid expertise, we can precisely calculate and control the distortion that a printed image undergoes as a result of thermoforming.

Custom Molds

We have what it takes to design and manufacture the molds that will bring your project to life.

We Thermoform Precise, Made-to-Measure Parts!

Our equipment enables us to thermoform parts up to 42” x 13” x 7”. This capability opens up a multitude of possibilities for customers working on special projects or who need small—and medium-sized components thermoformed with precision.

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Our Products Requiring Thermoforming

This service enables us to carry out more complete projects and provide a turnkey service.

These are the Materials we Thermoform:

Polycarbonate (Lexan®)




Serico Offers Turnkey Solutions!

Serico offers a turnkey solution that includes design and conception, screen and digital printing, assembly and finishing, and delivery. This comprehensive approach not only simplifies the production process for the customer, but also guarantees consistency and quality at every project stage.